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Project Summary

Revolving fund schemes   Ten ,   Rs. 36 lakhs
Number of projects  103
Funding sources    KSPB, ICAR, RKVY, DBT, IMD, KSCSTE,  KAU, KSSM, DST
TOTAL OUTLAY             Rs. 3.5587 crores
Technologies generated  7 nos
Worshops/ Trainings/Seminars/Webinars attended 129 nos by scientists at RARS(SZ)


Project List


Project Name Principal IInvestigator Funding Agency
AICRP on Mushrooms Dr. Heera G., Assistant Professor, Dept. of Plant Pathology ICAR
AICRP on Forage Crops Dr. Usha C. Thomas, Associate Professor, Dept. of Agronomy ICAR
AICRP on Nematodes Dr. Nisha M.S., Professor, Dept. of Nematology ICAR
AICRP on Honey Bees & Pollinators Dr. Amritha V.S., Assistant Professor, Dept. of Entomology ICAR
AICRP on Biological Control of Crop Pests Dr. Reji Rani O.P., Assistant Professor, Bio Control Lab ICAR
AINP on Soil Biodiversity Dr. MeenaKumari K.S., Professor & Head, Dept. of Microbiology ICAR
AICRP on Nematodes Dr. Nisha M.S., Professor, Dept. of Nematology ICAR
Agro meteorology Advisory ServiceAgro meteorology Advisory Service Dr. Girija Devi. L, Prof.(Agronomy), Head (Ag. Meteorology) & Nodal Officer IMD
Development of rice varieties for Kerala with pyramided  genes  for  Resistance  to  BLB  by  marker  assisted  selection

Dr.Jayalekshmy.V.G, Professor & Head, Dept. of Seed Science & Technology

DST Project under WOS-A entitled barcoding and biosystematic studies on Eulophid wasps (Chaladided Eulophile) associated with the Agro ecosystem of Kerala

Ms.Anjukrishnan G, Dept. of Entomology

Empowering differently abled children through Horticulture therapy and social farming

Dr. Beela. G.K, Dept. of Community Science

Development of biocontrol technology for the mgt of post-harvest crown rot of banana Dr.Susha S Thara, Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Pathology KSCSTE
Syneagerm in defense growth  Exploration of root endophyte fungus Piriformospora molea for the mgt of Fusarium welt in banana with enhanced crop production

Dr. Joy. M, Associate Professor, Dept. of Plant Pathology

Development of technologies including alternatives for banned pesticides for the mgt of pests and diseases for major crops of Kerala Sub Project 9: Registration of bio pesticides 

Dr.Reji Rani O.P., Assistant Professor, Dept. of Entomology

Standardisation of quality control lab for Honey

Dr. Amritha. V.S, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Entomology

Vegetable Development Programme – Horticulture Therapy – A tool to Rehabilitate the Differently Abled Children at Schools  Dr. Beela. G.K, Dept. of Community Science Dept. of Agriculture Development and Farmer’s welfare
Biotech Keralam – Production of Microbial inoculants Dr. Chitra, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Microbiology RF
Participatory integrated management of fruit flies inferring fruits & vegetable crops Dr.Reji Rani O.P., Assistant Professor, Dept. of Entomology RF
Vegetable Seed Production Dr. Simi, Dept. of Olericulture RF
Honey Bee and Pollinators

Dr. Amrita, Asst. Professor, AICRP on Honey Bee and Pollinators

Planting material production in fodder crops 

Dr.Usha C Thomas,

Assistant Professor, AICRP on Forage Crops

Leaf/Tissue Analytical Lab

Dr. ShaliniPillai, Dept. of Agronomy

Soil Testing Lab 

 Dr. Gladys, Asst. Prof. 

DARE/ICAR project - Solid Waste Management Dr.K.C.Manorama Thampatti, Professor, Dept. of SS & AC RF
Annual Plan 2018-19- Development of Biologically Intensified Disease Management Strategy of Leaf Rot of Coconut.

Dr.SushaS.Thara, Asst. Professor, Plant Pathology

Annual Plan 2018-19- Germplasm Collection, Evaluation and Evolving Management Practices for Regular Bearing in Clove Accessions

Dr.Sreekala G.S., Asst. Professor, Plantation Crops

Annual Plan 2018-19- Breeding Vegetable Crops for Yield and Resistance to Biotic and Abiotic Stress.

Dr. Sharada, Prof. & Head,

Veg. Science
Annual Plan 2018-19-Characterization in Vitro Culturing and in Vitro Manipulation for enhanced Production of Secondary Metabolites of Medicinal Orchids and Aloevera

Dr. M.M.Viji

Prof. & Head,

Plant Physiology
Annual Plan 2018-19- Nutrient Management for Maximizing Productivity in Minisett Cassava Cultivation.

Dr.Rajasree G.S., Asst. Professor, Agronomy

Annual Plan 2018-19- Development of Improved Formulations of Biopesticides.

Dr.Reji Rani O.P.,

Asst. Professor,


Annual Plan 2018-19- Extraction and Utilization of Plant Based Natural Colours for Safe to Eat Food Production.

Dr. Mini. C., Prof. & Head,

Post-Harvest technology              

Annual Plan 2018-19- Investigation on Etiology of Root (wilt) and Yellowing Disease in Coconut

Dr. Joy.M., Prof. & Head,

Plant Pathology

Annual Plan 2018-19-Refining Technologies for Byproduct Utilization of Major Crops: Jackfruit, Pineapple, Banana and Nutmeg.


Asst. Professor, Post-Harvest technology


Annual Plan 2018-19- Product Formulation and Standardization of Secondary and Micronutrient Fertilizer Mixtures for Southern Kerala.

Dr.Rani B, Asst. Professor

Annual Plan 2018-19-Productivity Enhancement of Coconut Based Cropping System through Vertical Intensification

Dr. ShaliniPillai, Professor,

Annual Plan 2018-19- Standardization of Ago Techniques for Protected Cultivation of Leafy Vegetables

Dr. SheebaRabeka,

Professor, Agronomy

Annual Plan 2018-19- Development and Evaluation of Multi Nutrient Tablets for Vegetable Grown in Home Garden.

Dr.R. Gladis, Asst. Professor,

Development and evaluation of Anthurium Hybrids

Dr.Beena Thomas, AP, Plant breeding & Genetics

Elucidation of high temperature stress tolerance in rice and development of suitable management strategies.

Dr. R. Beena, Asst. Professor, Agronomy

Drought management through control of soil crosion, in siturain water harvest, organic waste utilization and crop diversification in coconut based mediculture systems of Kerala


Growth and defence trade-off in unstable continuum: Exploration root endophytes including Piriformsporaindica& their biomolecules for enhanced yield and management of biotic and abiotic stress in tropical fruit and veg. crops (network mode).

Dr. Joy.M., Prof. & Head, Plant Pathology

Development of hybrid rice technology for the State of Kerala


P&H, Seed Tech
Feasibility of low cost Hydroponics fodder production system in Kerala –Quantitative and Qualitative study

Dr.Usha C Thomas,

AP, Forage Crops
Role of nutrients in the management of viral disease in vegetables

Dr. SantoshKumar, Asst. Prof. Dept of Plant Pathology


Monitoring soil health status (biochemical and microbiological) under organic management systems in Kerala.


Prof. & H,  SS & AC
Multidisciplinary support to address fields problems of farmers in Kerala. (Karshaka Santhwananam).


Asst. Prof., Plant Patholgy

Comparative yield trial of the promising tomato and cherry tomato hybrids


P&H, Seed Tech.

Compartive yield trial of Chinese potato (Solonostemonrotundifolius) genotypes

Dr.Beena Thomas,

AP, Plant breeding & Genetics

Lead centre for organic farming


Prof. & H,  SS & AC

Product development on functional ready to serve beverages, refinement and protocol development


AP, Post-Harvest technology

Identification of lead farmers as climate mangers

Dr. Rajasree. G,

Assistant Professor,

Dept. of Agronomy
Standardization of hybrid production techniques using thermo sensitive generic male sterile system

Dr. Roy Stephen,


Annual Plan 2017-18 Centre of excellence in Microbial Technology


Professor, Dept. of Microbiology

Multidisciplinary diagnostic support to address field problems of the farmers of Kerala(Karshakasanthwanam

Dr. Radhika. N. S, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Plant Pathology

Centre of Excellence in Microbial Technology at College of Agriculture, Vellayani Dr. Meenakumari. K.S, Professor ,Dept. of Microbiology GoK
State Network Project on value addition – Component III “Establishment of centre for Post-Harvest Management and value addition for underexploited fruits and vegetables of Southern Kerala

Dr. Mini. C,

Prof. &Head, Dept. of Post Harvest Technology

Establishment of an Advanced Research Centre for Plant Disease Diagnosis at College of Agriculture, Vellayani Dr. Umamaheswaran. K,  Professor, Dept. of Plant Pathology GoK
Annul Plan 2017-18 Station wise funding - Development of multinutrient tablets/Spikes for vegetable grown in home garden

Dr R Gladis

Assistant Professor,

Department of Soil Science &Agrl. Chemistry