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Summary of Research Publications 2021-22

Research Papers Published:30 nos. Submitted/Accepted 4 nos.
Leaflets/booklets/brochures 21 nos.
Popular article 15 nos.
Books/ Book Chapters/Booklets 2 nos.
Leaflets 10 nos
Conference Proceedings/ Abstracts/ Reports 12 nos.




1. Lintu V. V., Amritha V. S. and Ambily Paul. 2021. Morphological adaptations of stingless bees (Tetragonula iridipennis) to the floral biology of salad cucumber, Cucumis sativus. Insect Environment. 24 (2):249-255


2. Alen Joy and Amritha V. S. 2021. Estimation of the duration of Indian bee (Apis cerana indica Fab.) venom collection. Insect Environment. 24 (2):283-286


3. Usha C T, R.K. Agrawal, Anita M.R. and Mubeena, P, 2021.Carbon sequestration potential of grass based fodder production systems in humid tropics of Kerala. Range management and Agroforestry 42(1):104-109 (NAAS rating-6.28)


4. Sruthy L.T and Usha C.T. 2021.Standardisation of seed rate and harvesting schedules for fodder crops grown under hydroponics system. Range management and Agroforestry 42(1):137-142 (NAAS rating-6.28)


5. Mubeena P., Usha C T and Deepa Surendran, 2021. Nutritional evaluation of predominant fodder trees and shrubs of Southern Kerala as a quality livestock feed. Agricultural Science Digest-A research journal of Agriculture,Animal and Veterinary Sciences.p.1-5 (NAAS rating-4.75)


6. Usha C T, R.K. Agrawal, Anita M.R. and Mubeena, P, 2021.Intensive forage production through Agati based (Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Pers.) fodder production systems in Kerala. Range management and Agroforestry 42(2 )( (NAAS rating-6.28-acceptance received)


7. K.D. Prathapan and A.S. Konstantinov. 2021. Revision of Oriental flea beetle genera with subparallel intercoxal ridges on the first abdominal ventrite (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae, Alticini). Journal Of Natural History   https://doi.org/10.1080/00222933.2021.1933229


8. S. Amritha Kumari, T. Santhoshkumar & K. D. Prathapan. First report of the plague caterpillar Tiracola plagiata (walker) (Noctuidae) as a pest of crops in Kerala, India with new host plant records. Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society 76(1), 2021, xx-xx (PDF of Proof attached)


9. K. M. SHAMEEM1, 2; S. R. HIREMATH2, 3; K. D. PRATHAPAN. First report of Acanthocoris scabrator (Fabricius) (Heteroptera: Coreidae) as a pest of vegetables in India. Indian Journal of Entomology.


10. Benny, N. R., Sonia, N. S. and Sreekala, G. S. 2021. Hepatoprotective medicinal plants traditional knowledge to scientific evidences – A review. J. Pharmacogn. Phytochem. 10 (2): 285-288.


11. Nisha A. and Heera G.2021.Morphological and pathogenic variability of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides inciting anthracnose in betel vine (Piper betle L.). J. Farm Sci., 34(2): 196-203.


12. Sharma,V.P., Heera G, Satish Kumar and Manoj Nath. 2020. Development and identification of high yielding strain of Calocybe indica based on the multilocation trials. Mushroom Res. 29(1): 47-50


13. Heera,G., Suharban, M. and Geetha D. 2020. Solarisation – An effective low-cost substrate sterilization technique for the cultivation of milky mushroom (Calocybe indica). Mushroom Res.  29 (1): 51-56


14. Divya.T.S., Nisha,M.S., Anitha,N. and Paul,A. 2021. Integrated management of root- knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) Chitwood in cow pea, Indian J.Nematol. 51 (1):74-80


15. Nisha,M.S., Sajeena, A. Jijin, R., Shahiba,A.M. and Anusree,S.S. 2021. Management of Fusarium oxysporum using Quisqualis indica L. and Mikania micrantha Kunth. Green Farming 12 (3&4): 153-158


16. Remya,S and Nisha,M.S. 2021. Seed extracts of Samadera indica Gaetrn. for the management of pumpkin caterpillar (Diaphania indica Saund.) Green Farming 12 (3&4): 175-180


17. Vishnu, J.S and Nisha.M.S. 2020. Management of root-knot nematode in tomato using antagonistic bacteria Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Strain W 2-7. Indian J.Nematol. 50 (2):71-78


18. Swathi Karthika, K.S. Nisha,M.S. and Anitha,N.2020. Indigenous bacterial antagonists against reniform nematode, Rotylenchulus reniformis Linford and Oliveira in vegetable cowpea. Indian J.Nematol. 50 (2):101-106


19. Sooraj,S., Nisha,M.S. and Kesavkumar,H.2020. In-vitro potency evaluation of Metarhabditis rainai Against Termite, Odontotermes obesus (Rambur), Indian J.Nematol. 50 (1):65-67


20. Resmi A.R., Lovely B., Jayapal A., Suja, G. and Chitra N. 2020. Effect of Inoculation of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) Mix I Formulations on Plant Growth, Yield, Disease Incidence and Disease Severity of Rhizoctonia Leaf Blight of Amaranthus (Amaranthus tricolor L.) Indian J. Agri. Res. DOI: 10.18805/IJARe.A-5684


21. Anith K. N., Chitra N., Meenakumari K. S., Nyshanth N. S., Kumar A. S., Subha P., Vigi S., Bindu R., Ajith R. P., and Mohanty S. R. 2021. Biofertilizer technology for vegetables. p 16.


22. Malini Nilamudeen  and K. Sudharma (2021). Single-dose screening assay of nine isolates of entomopathogenic fungi against rice gundhi bug , Leptocorisa acuta (Thunb.). - Journal of Entomological Research 45 (1) : 47-51


23. Malini Nilamudeen and K. Sudharma (2021).   Improving the tolerance of Metarhizium anisopliae Metschinikoff to selected insecticides, Journal of Entomological Research 45 (2) : 186-192



  • Amritha V. S., Vijayasree V. and Nissy Issac, “Ithaa Puthiya Poompodi keni” 2021, Karshakasree. 27(12): 98
  • Lintu V. V., Amritha V. S. and Aswathy S. Asokan 2020. ‘Polyhouseile vellari krishi aadhayakaramakkam’. 9(66):53-54
  • Amritha V. S., Vijayasree V. and Nissy Issac, “Ithaa Puthiya Poompodi keni” 2021, Karshakasree. 27(12): 98
  • Usha,C.T..2021. Fodder trees. Karshakasree. P.78-79
  • Navya,M.V., Deepthi,C, Mubeena, P.,. and Usha C Thomas.2021.Humic substances- an elixir to plant growth. Biotica Research Today 3(6):435-436
  • Deepthi,C,. Navya,M.V., , Mubeena, P.,. and Usha C Thomas.2021. Coconut based fodder production in Kerala. Biotica Research Today 3(6):443-444
  • Navya,M.V., Deepthi,C, Mubeena, P.,. and Usha C Thomas.2021.Beneficial microbes as plant biostimulants.Agri-biotech E.Newsletter1(2):18-19.
  • Mubeena P and Usha C.T. 2021. Fodder maize . Karshakan July edition
  • Fodder cowpea, page.no.57-58, Karshakan August 2021
  • Azolla as cattle feed –page no-35-36. Kerala Karshakan August 2021
  • Mathalathile rasamkollikal, Kerala Karshakan April 2021
  • Moringa- Not to be underutilized any more -  in Kerala Karshakan e -journal Sept 2021 issue. Authors – Rakhi R., Fahida P.K, Indira .M, Agricultural Research Station, Thiruvalla
  • Moringa-jeevente vriksham - Karshakan magazine November 2021 issue.
  • Veettumuttathe Moringa-  in Karshakan magazine November 2021 issue.


BOOKS (2021-2022)

  • Prepared a Malayalam booklet on ‘ Fodder crops-  handbook’ for publication from KAU as a part of the Golden Jubilee celebration of KAU – Dr. Usha C. Thomas



  • Mubeena P and Usha C Thomas 2021.Quality characteristics of major tree fodders in kerala as a ruminant feed. Second international web conference on Smart agriculture for resource conservation and ecological stability.ANRCM, India. Page no.79
  • Navya M.V., Deepthi C and Usha C Thomas.2021.Influence of varying levels and frequency of application of Magnesium nutrition on yield attributes of Bajra napier hybrid. Second international web conference on Smart agriculture for resource conservation and ecological stability.ANRCM, India. Page no.80
  • Deepthi C, Navya M.V., and Usha C Thomas.2021. Performance of bajra napier hybrid varieties under varying shade levels. Second international web conference on Smart agriculture for resource conservation and ecological stability.ANRCM, India. Page no.49
  • Roy Stephen and Sreekala G.S. 2021. Proceedings of National Webinar on Spice improvement, processing and marketing, Kerala Agricultural Universisty. Sreekala, G. S., Avinash, M., Nainu, Joseph, and Reshma, P. Morphological characterisation of clove (Syzygium aromaticum (L) Merr. & Perry) genotypes in major clove growing areas of Southern Western Ghats. Presented at 9th Indian Horticulture Congress 2021 from 18/11/2021 to 21/11/2021.
  • Rakhi Jose and Sreekala G.S.2021.Effect of saponification value and iodine value on quality of coconut oil.24 th PLACROSYM, 14-16 December, 2021.
  • Remya,S., Nisha,M.S., Radhakrishnan,K.V. and Biji,M.2021. Management of epilachna beetle, Henosepilachna septima (Dieke) using extracts from seeds of Samadera indica :In : 5th National Symposium on Plant Protection in Horticulture (NSPPH-2021) challenges and roadmap ahead, 27-29 December 2021, Bengaluru, ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru, p.52
  • Nisha,M.S., Remya,S. and SwathiKarthika, K.S. 2021. Bio management of Meloidogyne incognita infecting okra by biofumigation and egg parasitic fungus Purpureocillium lilacinum. In: Proceedings of National Webinar on Integrated Pest Management: a Paradigm shift, 27-28 August, ICAR-National Research Centre for Integrated Pest Management , LBS Building, Pusa Campus, New Delhi pp.68
  • Remya,S., Nisha,M.S., Radhakrishnan,K.V. and Biji,M. 2021. Management of pumpkin caterpillar, Diaphania indica using seed extracts of Samadera indica. In:Proceedings of National Webinar on Integrated Pest Management: a Paradigm shift 27-28 August,2021, ICAR-National Research Centre for Integrated Pest Management, LBS Building, Pusa Campus, New Delhi, pp.72-73
  • Malini Nilamudeen, (2021).  Report of Luthrodes pandava Horsfield (formerly Chilades pandava Horsfield (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) infesting Cycas revoluta Thunb. in Kerala
  • Malini Nilamudeen, (2021).  The occurrence of citrus green mite, Schizotetranychus baltazarae Rimando (Acari: Tetranychidae) on curry leaf (Murraya koeningii F: Rutaceae) in Kerala

LEAFLETS  (2021-2022)

  • Dr.Nisha.M.S, Remya,S., Sooraj,S, Swathy Karthika കീടനിയന്ത്രണത്തിന് മിത്രനിമവിരകൾ
  • Dr.Nisha.M.S, Akhila.P.Subhash, Kiran,A.J നിമവിരനിയന്ത്രണം പച്ചക്കറിവിളകളിൽ
  • Dr.Nisha.M.S.  Remya,S. Abin,J.S Nematode management in banana
  • Dr.Nisha.M.S - AICRP on nematodes in agriculture- at a glance
  • Dr. Geetha R. കർഷകർക്ക്  ഒരു  കകത്താങ്ങ് നൂതന സാങ്കേതിക  വിദ്യയിലൂടെ.-  for farmers attending training
  • Mrs. Linitha Nair - Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Agricultural Meteorology in English and Malayalam
  • Dr. Malini Nilamudeen - Keedaniyanthranam Kuttimullayil
  • Dr, Rakhi- Puthiya Pachakari Inangal
  • Dr. Rahki - Pachakarigalile Rasathara Roga Keeda Niyanthranam
  • Dr. Rakhi - Venalkaala Pachakarigal
  • Dr. Rakhi - Agronomical Measures of Soil Conservation - Malayalam
  • Dr. Sreekala G.S. - Manjal Krishi
  • Dr. Sreekala G.S. - Inji Krishi
  • Dr. Chitra N. - Arbuscular Michorhizzae - An Effective P- Biofertilizer cum Deterrent to Root Pathogens