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Soil, Plant, Water Test and Advisory Service team

A stationary soil testing lab (SSTL) is functioning in the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Vellayani. Soil, water, manure and plant samples received from farmers, students and researchers are analysed on payment basis. Soil test based fertilizer recommendations are prescribed for various crops. Soil health cards are also distributed to farmers. Advisory services are being provided to farmers for diagnosis of soil related constraints and their remediation .The laboratory has facilities to analyse major, secondary and micro nutrients in soil and plant, physical and electro chemical properties of soil like density, texture, water holding capacity, available water, aggregate stability, pH, electrical conductivity and cation exchange capacity. Quality analysis of irrigation water, liming materials and organic manures are also undertaken. The soil testing module of Rural work experience programme, soil test campaigns  and soil, plant and water testing services of Experiential learning programme are conducted in the SSTL. Training programmes on soil testing and soil health management are also conducted to  farmers, VHSE students, self help groups, unemployed youth, lab assistants and officers  of Department of Agriculture. World Soil Day is observed every year on December 5 th with awareness programmes and campaigns on the importance of soil testing.