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Vegetable Seed Production Unit

Breeder seeds and truthfully labeled seeds of important tropical vegetables like Amaranthus, ashgourd, bhindi, chilli, clove bean, brinjal, cowpea, tomato, snake gourd, cucumber, yard long bean, pumpkin, cluster bean, winged bean etc. are being produced and distributed to different agencies like Department of Agriculture, VFPCK and farmers. Seedlings of tomato, brinjal, chilli and cool season vegetables are also being produced and distributed. Precision farming, cultivation in poly house, rainshelter are practiced for seed production. On an average 300 kg seeds of different vegetables are produced and distributed.

A full fledged seed processing unit and seed testing laboratory was established with an outlay of Rs. 1.25 crores.


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Regional Agriculture Research Station
Kerala Agricultural University
Thriruvananthapuram Kerala