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Looking forward

The Regional Agricultural Research Station (Southern Zone) [RARS(SZ)], College of Agriculture, Vellayani, envisions to become the centre of excellence in agricultural research and transfer of technology for the southern region of the state of Kerala.

The research station is focused in the development of crop varieties, agro-technologies, cropping and farming systems, suited to the Agro-Ecological Units, AEU 1 (Southern coastal plain), AEU 8 (Southern laterites), AEU 9 (South central laterites), AEU 12 (Southern and Central foot hills) and AEU 14 (Southern high hills).

The RARS(SZ), envisages mitigation of challenges arising due to changing climate, through a multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional approach, for climate change resilient farming.


English Arabic French German Hindi Italian Russian Spanish


Regional Agriculture Research Station
Kerala Agricultural University
Thriruvananthapuram Kerala