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Karshaka Santhwanam - Field visit , Kadinamkulam Thumbs

Mon, 17/10/2022 - 4:46pm -- adrvellayani.kau.in

Karshaka Santhwanam Field visit

Date: 15-10-2022

Field details:  Vegetable Precision Farming 

                      2 plots @ 2 acres each

Farmer details :  Mr. Sujith  from Naadan Agro  ph: 9446437887

Advise related to plant protection, production and new planting techniques was given

Scientists: Dr Santosh Kumar T., dr. Radhika N.S., Dr. Esakki Muthu along with Mr. Pramodh M.S Asst. Director of Agriculture



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Regional Agriculture Research Station
Kerala Agricultural University
Thriruvananthapuram Kerala